When Did You Realize? Truly Awakened!

Donny Setiawan
2 min readApr 28, 2024
Perfect Days (2023).

Most of our lives are influenced by unconscious drives or unconsciousness. This part of the brain controls almost 95% of daily human activities.

In other words, our lives seem to be controlled like auto pilot. But, is that true?

For those who already work, we already know what actions we have to take every day, such as getting up in the morning, going to work, going home, gathering with family, going to bed, and getting up early again, then leaving, and so on.

Not to mention that we always want to get through the day just like that, like coming in on Monday and hoping to arrive on Friday or Saturday, so we can take a break and enjoy the weekend.

For a writer, every day he always thinks about finishing his writing quickly, such as having to write new writing, make a schedule, and keep thinking about the future.

Then, when do we realize that we can live today? Really feel present for the day?

Few day ago, I watched a film called Perfect Days (2023).

I knew about this film because I saw interesting footage when it appeared on my personal Instagram homepage.

A short video of no more than thirty seconds shows an old man in a toilet cleaning uniform and a carefree young girl.

The two of them sat side by side looking at the tree leaves in front of them. Without talking, without having to do anything.

Then, the young girl immortalized the view by taking pictures on her smartphone. And the old man took pictures with his battered camera.

Even though both of them imply a gap between generations, they both still seem happy with what they each have.

The message I learned was the self-awareness of what we have.


I feel how self-awareness can change our views and attitudes towards ourselves.

Even though every day we are not aware of living on auto pilot, we should, at least, be aware that life is more meaningful if we can appreciate what we have.

Act consciously. Be aware of what we think.

Life will be filled with all actions with a sense of awareness.

When we realize that one hundred percent we have the power to do something, we will truly feel alive — today.

We don’t need to feel like we want to get to the future quickly. We know the future is a success for us (someday), but at the expense of the present, is it worth it?

Kondo wa kondo, ima wa ima.” (Perfect Days, 2023): “later is later, now is now.”***



Donny Setiawan

Penggemar Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni. | Language and Art enthusiast.